Newts: The complete care guide


The newt should be fed only about three times per week. Even once every three to four days is good. Avoid over feeding the newt since he will become obese and will die much quicker. Make sure you thoroughly wash your hands before handling food. The newts like to eat a variety of things such as flies, locusts, grasshoppers, mealworms, moths, aphids, brineshrip, minnows, daphina, egg rafts, slugs, water fleas, tubifex, cockroaches, and millipedes. Some of these insects can be cultured at home to save you much money. Newts prefer to eat in the water, and the food is swallowed whole. Therefore you should make sure that the food isn’t too large to swallow. Give the food to the newt live since the it is fresh and contains vital nutrients. Frozen foods are also a good choice, especially when you don’t have any live food available. Make sure you keep alternating different types of food since the newt is picky and will not keep eating the same food if he gets bored with a type.                                           AND... In their natural environment, live foods, primarily small insects, crustaceans and worms, are newts' only source of food and therefore is the main preference. However, newts raised in captivity can be introduced to a wider variety of foods such as frozen and commercially prepared products, thus allowing for more selection. However, the main diet should consist of live foods. Terrestrial species consume food on land, and aquatic species will also consume food on land, but mostly prefer to eat in the water. Newts are strictly carnivores, not herbivores nor omnivores. Meaning they thrive on and consume mainly worms and various insects, not plants. Vegetation of any kind is extremely unhealthy and dangerous as this material will lay in the newts' stomachs where it will inevitably rot. Their systems have no means of digesting plant material, thus causing severe gastric ulcers to form. Vegetation, plant material of any kind must be strictly avoided due to these health dangers! All food is swallowed whole, therefore it is wise to feed your newts appropriate sized, and easily digestible foods. Live foods are essential as they contain vital nutrients required for good health and a strong immune system, thus increasing the life span. When live foods are not always available or safe, frozen foods are a great alternative. In order to maintain a balanced diet, variety is essential, and can easily be achieved by alternating between live and frozen foods. This will also prevent newts from losing interest in a specific food item which has been offered over a long period of time. Be sure to reduce the number of foods high in fat content to no more than once a week. Variety is key to promote good health and longevity by providing essential vitamins and nutrients!

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